Just before the football game is to start, you will see JMB quietly march into the stadium and line up in the end zone. Once given the command to take the field, they will march playing the Jenison Fight Song. Once on the field, they will be led by Mr. Zamborsky, in playing the National Anthem. They will play the fight song again and head to the stands. The JMB has a reserved section in the upper stands, under the press box. Once they take their seats, Drum Majors Nadia Uljaky, Izzy Botbyl , Johnny Ngo & Jadon Busch will led the band in cheering on our Jenison Wildcats. Toward the end of the 2nd quarter, the band will head down and line up on the track to warm up and prepare for their halftime performance. This will be your cue to cheer and clap loudly for your student and the JMB. Once they are finished with their performance, they will head back up to the stands and disperse to get concessions, use the bathroom etc. They must be back by the end of the 3rd quarter. They will stay the remainder of the game and then head down to march off the field together as a band. The parents usually go stand outside of the pool (back entrance of the school for the band) and watch as the drum line plays them back to the grassy area. They will circle up around Mr Zamborsky and Mr Justice and hear a debriefing, then concluding in the band hymn, Lobe den Herren. They will head in to the high school, hang up their band costume and be dismissed.
For Competitions:
- Be supportive of each and every band. Be considerate during each band’s performance and show your appreciation for their hard work by your hearty applause at the end of every band’s performance as well as when they take the field for competition. Remember, the students in the other bands have worked just as hard as our own students. They deserve our respect and applause. Every marching band member in every band is participating in an activity that is teaching them teamwork, respect, and pride in what they do. There are no losers in this activity.
- Show up early. This is especially true for supporters of larger class bands. Many smaller class bands have great shows. Arrive early at the next show and see what you have been missing.
- Turn off (or at least put on vibrate) your cell phone. If you receive a call during a performance, wait until that performance is over before returning the call.
- Refrain from conversation during the performances. Show respect for the bands and the spectators around you by not talking during a performance.
- Don't allow children to play in the stands and distract other spectators. Obviously, children are the future of this activity. It is good for them to see why big brother and big sister are always at practice and are not at home. However, for their safety and as a courtesy to others they should not be allowed to run up and down steps and play in the aisles so others may enjoy the show.
- Don't leave or return to your seat during a band’s performance. Wait until a performance has ended before moving about. You will only need to wait 15 minutes, at the most, before the next break. There is sufficient time between bands to move in and out of your seating area.
- Don't "boo" other bands or the contest results during the awards. Unfortunately, everyone is not going to agree on contest results. Booing the award winners or the judges will not accomplish positive results.
- Don't comment on other performances unless it's complimentary. Every band on the field is “somebody’s band”, and it may be the folks sitting next to or behind you. Give to the other participating bands the same respect and attention you hope they will give to our band.