New this year! There will be a bus shuttle running to help our volunteers and spectators avoid having to navigate the high school parking lot! JPS school buses will be running shuttles from the Early Childhood Center (ECC)/El Puente Elementary at 2950 Baldwin Street to the high school. The shuttles will run every 15 minutes during the following time frames:
11am - 1pm
4:30pm - 6:30pm
10:00pm - 11:30pm (shuttle service will begin at the HS at 10:00pm)
We encourage you to take advantage of this service in order to allow guests from other bands/high schools to utilize our main parking lot! Feel free to also spread the word to family members who may want to take advantage of this shuttle opportunity.
We want to thank our amazing Jenison Invitational Committee. We have been busy planning this event since March. It takes a lot of time to execute this well. This is our BIG week, we can do this. Thank you all for giving up your free time to make this an amazing day. We know it has been stressful and there have been many details to work out, thank you for your patience and willingness to do what was asked of you. Our thanks to :
Freshman Parents: Dan & Karissa DuPuis
Sophomore Parents: Scott & Angie Leuchtmann
Senior Parents: Curtis & Terri Hagberg
JBB Treasurers: Craig & Alaine Kemerling
JBB Concessions Chairs: Dennis Ilkanic & Joyanne Swanson
Feed the Judges Chairs: Alicia Gordillo and Amanda Sorelle
Band Administrative Assistant: Sue VandenBerge
Our Amazing Assistant Director of Bands: Seth Justice
If you have any issues or questions, please contact myself or Mike, the Invitational Committee Co Chairs using the below information.
This event is for our kids. They are the reason we do what we do. We are all representing Jenison Bands Saturday, so thank you for being kind, helpful and assisting guests wherever you can.
Thank you again for helping this be a successful and exciting day.
Mike & Keri Roth
Junior Parents & Committee Co Chairs
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mike cell: 616 446 9033 Keri cell: 616 446 9055