What to expect at band camp
Expect to work hard. Expect to have fun. Expect a suntan or sunburn, with tan lines from your shirt and socks. Expect to take directions and advice from people your own age. Expect to learn the majority of this year's show and expect to be proud of the hard work you will put into making the Jenison Marching Band one of the best bands around! There is nothing to fear about the camp experience. Returning members look forward to camp as one of the highlights of their summer. The staff and upper-classmen work hard to provide a nurturing environment for new members of the marching band.
Staying Healthy During Band Camp
Hydrate often! Frequent breaks will be given, especially during hot weather. Make sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water during these breaks. Avoid soda, juice, milk and dairy products. These drinks will dehydrate you and milk products will curdle in your stomach and make you nauseous.
Wear sunscreen. That sunburn won’t feel good tomorrow. Remember to reapply every few hours or so.
Lip Balm. Sunburned lips are not fun to play an instrument with, especially for brass players.
Eat healthy. Balance your meals with different nutrients, such as vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. They’ll provide you with long-term energy, and refresh your body for the next rehearsal period. Avoid all junk food this week; these bad fats and excessive amount of sugar and salt will slow you down.
Get some rest. Band camp can be strenuous, and it’s easier if you’re well rested.
Overheating. If you start to feel fatigued, dizzy or nauseous, you may be suffering from heat exhaustion. Tell a section leader, drum major, or staff member immediately. Get to some shade and get some water if you think this is happening to you.
Proper Band Camp Hygiene
Stay clean. You will get sweaty and dirty during practice.
Stay clean by bathing daily.
Clean clothes. You should wear clean cloths each day. Do not re-wear the previous days clothes without washing them first.
Smell good. No one likes a smelly band person.
Deodorant helps, and should be available in instrument case if you need a quick refresh.
- Respect the directors, staff, upper class men and fellow new members. They have done this before and know what they're talking about.
- Eat breakfast EVERY DAY.
- Water, Water, WATER, WATER! Hydration is key!
- Wear shorts and tennis shoes.
- Wear sunscreen and sunglasses.
- Get to know people. Go out of your way to meet upper class men, it'll be worth it, I promise. And upperclassmen, new members are people too, treat them as such.