ticket_order_form_for_state_at_ford_field.doc |
The Band Boosters are selling discounted tickets for the MCBA State Championships at Ford Field. Pre-ordering tickets will save you $2 per ticket. Pre-sale prices are $16 for adults and $12 for students/seniors. If interested, please fill out the form below and return it to the band office no later than Monday, October 3. Once the tickets arrive you will be notified via email about pick-up. ![]()
The info about the Toledo Regional is now up on the band website. You can also find it here. Uniform inspections are Monday (Juniors and Seniors) and Tuesday (Freshmen and Sophomores). Your student should arrive between 5-6pm in full uniform for inspection. Volunteers will make sure all pieces of the uniform are present and CLEAN. After inspections the students put everything back in their garment bag and leave it at the school. That way when they leave early Saturday morning they won't have to even think about their uniform.
Potbelly Sandwich Shop is located in the strip mall with Chipotle and Five Guys out in front of Cabela's and Target near Rivertown Mall. Join us for dinner. Potbelly was recently added to SCRIP so if you order on Monday you could have it in time for the fundraiser!
We made it through the first competition and did great! As I've mentioned in a previous post, the show is far from finished and it will be exciting to see it change. The color guard is not yet in uniform, the flags are not all complete, and aside from the shields, there are no props yet on the field (which means by the way there are still lots of opportunities left to earn those 10 volunteer credits). Here's a brief description of the remaining competitions. Remember these are just the basics, I will add more as each one gets closer.
March-a-thon Next Saturday is essentially just an extended practice from 9am - 8pm. They will have lunch again on their own and Feed the Band will serve them dinner. They will also take their band pics this day so they will need their uniform. BOA Regional @ The University of Toledo - October 1 Bands of America (BOA) is the National organization that we compete in. When we go to Indy (see below) this is also a BOA event. This event is held on Saturday, October 1 at the Glass Bowl (Univ. of Toledo) which is an OUTDOOR stadium (so be prepared for the weather). There will be a preliminary performance (we are currently scheduled for 1pm) and then the finals later in the evening. Jenison usually competes in the finals so be prepared for them to have a very late evening. The students will leave Jenison on a charter bus relatively early and will get back very late (no overnight stay). Lots of families choose to attend this competition but many do not. Homecoming October 8 is Homecoming and there is no practice this day. Grandville Invitational (Scholastic) - Oct 15 The Grandville Invitational will be very similar to the Rockford Invitational. Jenison Invitational (Scholastic & MCBA) - Oct 22 The Jenison Invitational will require the students to perform twice in exhibition. This means they perform and are judged for a score but they are not in competition. The reason they perform twice is because there are two different sections. The morning is Scholastic Competition and the afternoon/evening is Michigan Competing Band Association (MCBA). Some bands only compete in Scholastic competitions which are not as competitive as MCBA. In Scholastic competition we compete in Class A and in MCBA competition we are considered Flight II. Both are based on size of the HS. Those who only compete in Scholastic competitions do not go to state or Nationals. The students usually arrive about an hour before they perform to warm-up. They can leave between performances. The first one is usually around 2:30 and the second will be near 10:00pm. If your student is in percussion or guard, they may have additional practice during the day. Westshore Invitational (Scholastic) - Oct 29 This invitational is held at Rockford but is run by Reeths-Puffer (our biggest rival). The schedule for the day will be similar to Rockford and Grandville. MCBA State - (MCBA) - Nov 5 Every year the times rotate for this competition. For example one year it's Flight I, Flight II, Flight III, Flight IV. The next year its Flight IV, Flight I, Flight II, Flight III, etc. This year Flight II starts at 3:45pm. This competition will have great bands that you haven't seen previously so it is fun to watch. It's also nice that you don't have to get up terribly early and you won't get home too late! The students will take a charter bus again. Plan for them to be gone all day and to arrive back late. BOA Grand Nationals - Lucas Oil Stadium - Indianapolis - Nov 10 - 12 The final competition will be at the Grand Nationals. The students will leave early on Thursday, Nov 10 as their preliminary performance is around 2:30pm on Thursday. Friday evening (there are two days of preliminary competition) they will announce who moves on to Semi-finals. Semi- finals begin early Saturday morning and then Finals are Saturday night. Sometimes Jenison makes it to the Semi-finals, sometimes they do not. They generally do not make the Finals but they do stay to watch them. Once finals performances are complete they get on the busses and head back to Jenison arriving in the middle of the night. If you plan to attend Grand Nationals you might want to look for a hotel room now as they will fill up. Yes, there is such a thing as "Invitational Etiquette". Just a couple of tidbits to help you transition into this marching band parent thing...
1. If you have a show shirt, wear it! You can easily identify other Jenison parents/fans in the stands this way and it's a great way to support our students. 2. Don't be late! While you may not want to watch an entire evening of marching bands, you should know that the schedule is quite rigid and they rarely get behind. Each band gets 15 minutes and that includes getting on the field, playing, and getting off the field. There are penalties if they are not within their allotted time so bands are good at being precise. In addition, there will be people preventing you from entering the stands while each band is performing. This is to prevent distractions and is also a courtesy to those watching that brief performance by their band. If you arrive right before Jenison plays, you might not be able to get into the stands in time to see them perform. These invitationals are well attended so allow time for parking, a possible line at the ticket window, and time to get to your seat. 3. Clap for everyone. Some bands are really small, some are large. All deserve recognition for the hard work that is put into their show. Please be respectful to all bands and show your support. Our first invitational is less than a week away! It's very exciting and I hope you get a chance to get to a few (if not all) this season to cheer on our student's hard work. Remember to check out the band website this week under the "NEWS" heading to see the official details for Saturday. It is usually posted sometime on Monday. However, I also wanted to make you aware of another resource. www.michiganmarching.com This website lists all the schedules for Michigan band competitions in both the MCBA and Scholastic divisions. From the homepage, click "competitions" and then find the one you are interested in. As soon as the schedule is made public you will be able to find it here. For the Rockford Invitational this Saturday it notes ticket prices, location, and performance times. Jenison is the last competing band to perform at 8:25pm. Then Rockford performs in exhibition (while judges scores are tallied) and then there will be an awards ceremony.
I wanted to clarify something regarding the volunteer credits. Several have asked if 10 credits are required per student in the marching band for those families with multiple students marching. The additional $100 fee does apply to all marching band students (2 students in MB are an additional $100 each or $200). However, only 10 volunteer credits are required per FAMILY. So if you, like myself, have two students participating in marching band/guard this year then earning 10 volunteer credits will eliminate $200 from your balance. Please remember that you are required to fill out the volunteer form and to turn it in with your last band payment.
Jenison Public Schools