Now we know that BOA and Music for All are basically the same organization. If you happen to do a search for BOA and end up on the Music for All website, this is why. So, how are they different?
Bands of America (BOA), a division of Music for All, is an organization that promotes and organizes marching band competitions for high school students. Competitions include Regional and Super Regional Championships as well as the Grand National Championships. The Grand National is considered the largest and most prestigious national marching band event available to high school marching bands. This is an annual 3-day competition averaging 100 high school marching bands participating from around the country, including Hawaii. More than 50,000 students, staff, and spectators attend the event each year.
The BOA scoring system is complicated. I tried to break it down in a way that is easy to understand, but finally gave up. Here is a description I found online:
Scoring places 60% of the value on music and 40% on visual, while at the same time, 60% of the score is within the area of general effect and 40% within the performance area. The music performance scores (individual & ensemble) are averaged for 20%, as are the visual performance scores (individual & ensemble). The general effect music scores (20% each) are added together. The general effect visual score is also 20%.
See? It’s confusing. That’s why I just enjoy the performances and take note of what I like the most. These rarely win the top spot, but that’s not surprising. Moving on…
BOA has been invited to have the Honor Marching Band perform at the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California on four separate occasions.