Notes about pre-camp:
~ Runs Mon-Thurs from 8-4pm with an hour for lunch which is NOT provided. Some older kids will go to local fast food
locations while many others bring a sack lunch and stay at school.
~ Bring your dot book and a string to attach it to yourself, a pencil...etc
~ Don't forget water, a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen
Thinking ahead to BAND CAMP
Information about band camp will eventually be posted under the "NEWS" section. Your child should also bring the information home this week so ask for it if it doesn't find it's way to you. Here are a couple items you may want to prepare ahead for...
Extra socks - 2 pair/day in case your students feet get wet from dew, rain, sweat, etc. Marching all day in wet socks is NOT a good idea (no one wants blisters on day 1)
Khaki shorts for the Friday performance - Athletic shorts for the daily practices
Large box fan (one per room so have your student and his/her roommate decide who will bring one)
Extra deodorant or Gold Bond powder - hot summer days with constant motion can really irritate the inner thighs for some. Either of the above can help.
Also, remember there is a BAND PICNIC Tuesday evening 8/2 @6pm at Hagar Park. It's at the little cabin on the south side of the park near 28th Ave. Hope to see you there!