Supposedly, we eat 35,000 cookies in our lifetime. This number includes all types of cookies. If we live to the average life expectancy of an American, we would consume 1.2 cookies every single day.
That’s a lot of cookies. So, would you be surprised if you learned there were not one but two specialty cookie stores in Bowling Green? That’s right! The Cookie Jar and Insomnia Cookies are both located downtown, which is about 1.5 miles from the stadium. Their website links are:
This small local store has a lot of school spirit. It just turned 12 years old. It’s located in an old storefront with lots of creaks and character. Inside, it has one of the most unique collections of cookie jars for sale I’ve ever seen. The cookies are delicious and best when fresh and warm. In addition to their usual menu selection, they have specialty cookie that changes every day. The Cookie Jar will also deliver cookies to campus and around town.
Literally one block away from their rival is Insomnia Cookies. This store is part of a nationwide chain, so they have chosen to present a more modern looking store front. They, too, have a changing menu item in addition to their usual selection. Deliveries to students and locals are also an option with them. The cool thing about this chain is that they tend to build near college campuses, so if your student attends another university, there may be a chance Insomnia is nearly. You can call in an order and have it delivered to your student as late as 3 am.
So, when you are at the BOA Regional in Bowling Green, look one of these up, and head on over with some friends. Split the cost of a box of cookies and you won’t be sorry. Is one better than the other? Well, I will leave the taste testing to you. Just leave a comment on this blog so we can all hear what you think. Just be aware that these cookies are not priced like a local bake sale. It feels pricey when it’s so easy to make them at home, but it’s a fun experience. It’s okay to treat yourself once in a while, right?