All the cool fans have a show shirt! If you missed the first order, a second order will be placed soon. Order forms can be picked up/submitted at the SCRIP table both Mon 8/22 and Mon 8/29. This will be the final order for the season.
We are moving into the final full week of post band camp. Much like pre-camp and band camp the days will be full of learning new things and perfecting what has already been learned. They will still get an hour for lunch. Since orientation is this week, your child will get out around 10:40 on the day of their orientation. This allows them to get there by 11 and hopefully have a couple of minutes to change and look nice for pictures...
Thursday night is the first home football game. Normally the kids report at 5pm for football games and since this is the first time they will be wearing their uniforms that time probably won't change. That means that the kids will likely be dismissed early on Thursday so they can grab some dinner prior to the football game. At the game, the band will play the Star Spangled Banner and the school fight song prior to the game and they will perform what they know of their program at half time. The students must sit together at the game on the far south end in the upper level stands. There is a group of parents who sit in the section next to them if you'd like to join them. The students are not allowed to leave their spots until the third quarter. They have the entire third quarter to leave the stands and get food, talk with friends, use the bathroom, etc. as long as they are back by the start of the fourth quarter. Students are not allowed to leave until the end of the game when they march out together and then play Lobe den Herren before they are dismissed. |
Jenison Public Schools