A couple of tips/things to note:
1. There will be a uniform inspection the Monday (Seniors and Juniors) and Tuesday (Sophomores and Freshmen) before State competition, just like the week of the Bowling Green competition. Shine up those shoes and whiten up those whites after the Jenison Invitational this weekend.
2. The Friday (Nov 6) before State competition the students have an evening practice at GVSU. Families are encouraged to come to the end of the practice (or all of it if you'd like) to watch a full run through indoors at the fieldhouse. Many people really enjoy this performance because it is much easier to find and follow your child while you stay toasty warm. There will also be cookies...
3. If you did not pre-buy tickets please note that you must have CASH to purchase them at Ford Field.
($18 adults - $14 students/seniors - under 5 free)
4. We are in Flight II which begins at 12:00pm. The nice thing about State competition is that they present awards at the end of each flight, not at the end of the day. We are in the perfect time slot this year as you don't have to get up crazy early and you still get home at a decent hour as we only perform once no matter how we score. However, your tickets are good for the whole day. You may come and go as early or late as you'd like.