Here are a few tidbits for this week:
1. HOME football games - The first home football game is this Thursday, September 3. Band members should arrive to the HS by 5pm in uniform. They should eat something before they go as they are not fed prior to the game. They do get to roam about during the third quarter and many hit the concession stands then, but otherwise they must sit together in the stands for the other quarters of the game.
2. Run-throughs - At the end of Monday and Tuesday evening practices the band typically ends with a full run through of the show so far. Show your support by walking over to the stadium to watch their progress throughout the fall. It's a great way to see where your child is on the field because once they're all in uniform it's much more difficult to spot your very own child!
3. It's been a cool week, and despite the forecast for the upcoming week, the cold is coming. Some of those performances in the late fall are bitterly cold. Prepare now by making sure your student has the necessary leggings/long underwear/under armour cold gear/whatever you want to use to keep your student warm. These items can be worn under the marching band uniform but they MUST be black and the top must not have any sort of turtleneck collar (mock neck or otherwise).