How to prepare your student for band physically and mentally?
- Have them get outside for an hour a day in the hot weather to get used to the heat. It takes your body 1-2 weeks to get acclimated to the heat/humidity of summer
- Get them to exercise 3-5x a week to get ready for long rehearsals
- Start making water their only drink (and lots of it). It’s important to hydrate before, during and after rehearsals.
- Make sure they get enough sleep
- Buy a lot of deodorant. Have them keep some in their bag and tell them to apply it often. Their bandmates and directors will appreciate it.
- Your child needs to be punctual. If rehearsal starts at 7:30 AM, that does not mean they should arrive at 7:30 AM. It means your child should be READY TO REHEARSE at 7:30 AM!
- Give them space – when your child comes home from rehearsals, the look on their face may resemble the “30-mile stare” that may have you asking “What happened today?”. When your child comes through the front door, they may be extremely talkative, or very quiet and fatigued. Give them some time to decompress. The sheer volume of informational input in the course of one day (meaning the MOUNTAIN of stuff they learned), coupled with the physical exertion is a lot to process, so don’t be surprised if they just want to sleep.
- Support them through their stress – at times the day-to-day grind of rehearsals will be frustrating. Listen to your child vent if they choose to, and try to reinforce a positive mindset with a don’t-quit attitude.
Be sure to look back in the previous blog posts for what to expect at Mini Camp. There is a detailed post from 6-4-21.