Soon you will be getting the paperwork packet to complete for each marching student. Please complete that as soon as possible and return along with the deposit to the band office. There is a mandatory parent meeting May 9 at the JCA from 7:00pm - 8:00pm. Yes, I said MANDATORY.
If you haven’t already done so, please check out the Jenison Bands website to put all the marching band competition dates in your calendar. And if you are planning on going to Nationals, I would highly recommend making hotel reservations. For some reason there are a lot of hotels booked already.
Booster meetings are a great way to find out the latest news about band. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month (March-October). It’s a great place to get to know other parents and how you can get involved/help out. Our next booster meeting is April 19 at 7pm in the high school media center.