Do you want to know how your students eat at band camp? Volunteer to help with Feed the Band. Want to hear what teens talk about now and what the newest slang is? Volunteer to chaperone an event, you will learn so much! Want to get sneak peeks at the props? Volunteer by helping build props. Have a desire to see that the costumes look like up close and personal? Volunteer with uniforms or sewing.
I will tell you why I do it, the students. I LOVE these students. They are an outstanding group of teens and you should take every opportunity to be around them. They will make you feel old, yes, but they will also make you feel so much love and joy being in their midst.
I also love the friendships I have made with their parents. No one else understands what your calendar looks like Aug-Nov like another band parent. Band parents get each other, we cheer on each others kids and love on them like they are our own.
There will be many times where you are needed throughout the season. We all need to donate food MANY times, because our kids will be eating MANY times throughout the season. Costume fittings will need help MANY times as we make sure the costumes are in perfect competition shape. Props evolve as the season progresses and MANY hands will be needed to paint, hammer and stretch fabric to get these items on the field. So when the Sign Up Genius comes out, please sign up to donate food at every Feed the Band date. Sign up to help serve a meal or 2. Can’t donate food, we got you! You can send money directly to Feed the Band. Sign up to help props assemble our incredible props that will be on the field. Sign up, sign up , sign up!
My point is, we ALL need to volunteer. It shouldn’t be the same people doing all the work. We have so many amazing parents who have so many talents and time to give, we all need to chip in to get the work done. I promise it is worth it. It would be a shame to do the bare minimum. You will be missing out on some pretty amazing teens and meeting some incredible parents.